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Hertfordshire NHS staff recorded ten cases of female genital mutilation in just three months

There were ten recorded cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Hertfordshire in the first three months of this year.

FGM, which is particularly prevalent among African, Asian and Middle Eastern communities, is the cultural practice of female circumcision, which can have serious, life-changing consequences and event results in deaths.

The latest NHS data reveals ten cases were referred by medical professionals between January and March, although none of these were newly recorded cases.

Children’s charity the NSPCC is currently monitoring hundreds of girls who have been impacted by FGM.

An East of England spokesman said: “We know that female genital mutilation is still affecting hundreds of girls in the UK, and these figures show that it continues to effect young people in Hertfordshire.

“We would urge those at risk, or any adults worried about them, to speak out and get help.

“Some families who subject their children to female genital mutilation may do so because of cultural norms or that they believe it will help their child improve their life.

“It’s vital that everyone realises FGM serves no purpose, leaves long lasting physical and emotional scars on the victims, and is a form of child abuse.”

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