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General Resources

FGM Good Practice Guidance and Assessment Tool  for Social Workers

This guide has been tailored for social workers to guide them through reviewing the referral and working with the family, to developing a safety plan to keep girl(s) safe from FGM and/or support those who have undergone FGM. The guide should not be used to replace professional judgement, but can be used to complement existing social work tools and practice to carry out a holistic assessment.

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FGM Assessment tool

This is a  tool for social workers to help guide the assessment of cases where FGM is a concern. This tool will help identify: what risks are present, information on what next steps to take. It takes 15 minutes to complete. ( Please note that this is not a replacement for professional judgement)

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NEFGM Guidance

The North East FGM Partnership board have developed a multi-agency referral pathway which should not be used as a substitute for statutory or mandatory reporting, but indeed for strengthening the capacity for partners who receive disclosures to identify the required process, intervention and support for FGM victims.

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Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and Multi-agency practice guidelines

The guidelines in this document provide advice and support to front line practitioners who have responsibilities to safeguard children and protect adults from the abuses associated with forced marriage. Given that someone affected by forced marriage is likely to need the help and support of several agencies, this document seeks to set out a multi-agency response and encourage agencies to cooperate and work together to protect victims.

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Forced Marriage: a survivor’s handbook

This handbook provides practical support and information for anyone who: is at risk of a forced marriage, has experienced a forced marriage and has escaped from a forced marriage. You may have lots of questions and difficult decisions to make. We have tried to think of everything you might need to know more about.

We have provided telephone numbers and websites where you can get more details. There are a range of issues that are covered in this handbook that you will want to think about in the future. This handbook may not be able to answer all your questions, but it will act as a good starting point to help you build your new life.

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Domestic Homicide Review of Jessica Patel.

Yasmin Khan (Director of Halo Project) contributed to the review of the honour killing of Jessica Patel in Middlesbrough. This executive summary outlines the process taken by Middlesbrough Community Safety Partnership following the homicide of Jessica. It includes Jessica’s story, the views of her family and work colleagues and ends with learning and recommendations.

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London Fire Brigade Reviewing our culture

This report details proposals to establish a review of culture with London Fire Brigade (LFB) Culture. The proposals whilst triggered by the sad death of Firefighter (FFD) Jaden Francois-Espirt, who passed away on August 16 2020, also refers to wider reasons for an organisation-wide review of culture, including feedback from employees, data from People Services and information contained in our recent inspection report from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire Rescue services.

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Halo Publications


A decade of Making a Difference

This report highlights our Decade of Making a Difference so far, including statistics, case studies and our projects.

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Super complaint

“For all the victims who have suffered in silence and those who have helped shaped this report, we have listened. This report provides unequivocal evidence which highlights failings of investigations of Police services in England & Wales. The Halo Project believes and advocates justice is a human right for everyone and therefore look forward to the implementation of recommendations from this report.”

- Yasmin Khan, Founder of The Halo Project

Our “super complaint” was filed against alleged systemic mishandling of sexual abuse cases by police forces – including Cleveland Police. The super complaint details nine ‘key failures’ in police responses to reports of sexual abuse within the BAME community. It claims these severely damage the effectiveness of police investigations and harms confidence in the police’s commitment to properly investigate serious allegations. Halo Project is one of 16 super complaints bodies in the country and one of two designated BAME super complaints bodies.

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