The Halo Project will support you by providing:
Advice on what your options are moving forward with your life safely and free to make choices without emotional or physical harm.
Protection and preservation of your right to choose whilst respecting your cultural identity. Our project coordinator, advocates, support staff and volunteers will ensure you are helped to make choices that are true to you.
Activities that will help you to overcome the abuse you are in fear of/ are facing.
Advocacy to ensure agencies are aware of the complexities of each unique situation and that families are protected within their chosen environments.
Emotional and practical support whether you have been through or may go through a forced marriage.
Education within the community regarding forced marriages issues, particularly South Asian, Middle Eastern and African communities.
Collaborative working practice with Cleveland Police, Social Services and CHOICE helpline staff to make sure you get the best protection from government bodies.
Appropriate links with relevant non-government agencies and organisations which provide emergency and non-emergency services to victims so you have the fullest package of care.
Total confidentiality and only sharing the information YOU want us to share unless your life is at risk by not sharing it.