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"Amira is living at home with her perpetrator namely her mother who she alleges commits long term verbal abuse, high levels of control and continuous threats of forced marriage. Amira contacted Halo Project through her college welfare officer and gains continuous emotional support discussing the risks and options in her case as well as her future. On one occasion she called her support worker to ask what she should do as she fears violence if she returns home following the news that her mother found a pregnancy test at home in her belongings.

Halo Project gave her a safety plan which she agreed to and later when she had not been contactable for 3 hours, reported the matter to the police and asked that a welfare check be carried out to ensure Amira’s safety and well being. Officers attended and spoke to Amira in confidence then reported back to Halo Project stating that there was no visible crime, control or violence at home and that the parents (father is separated but has consistent participation in parenting) seemed westernised and British Asian, therefore there is nothing to worry about with this case.

Amira continues to report threats of forced marriage to Halo Project however Amira felt that having the police intervene to stop the verbal threats at that time has helped to give her parents a reality check about their behaviour and that it has improved her situation. She continues to receive ongoing support, advice and help to stay safe and empowered to make her own choices.”

Due to our comprehensive case management system, we are able to provide lessons learnt with real situations therefore can identify good practice as well as service improvements. This can really benefit professionals gaining a better understanding of forced marriage and honour based violence as we can draw upon previous case history as part of our training and awareness packages.