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Sometimes it’s the ones we love who hurt us the most.

Nationally there are approximately 12 -15 reported honour killings per year in the United Kingdom.

14th July marks the national day of remembrance for ‘Britain’s Lost Women’, those who have been murdered by their families in the name of honour.

The statistics do not take into account the many people and school children who are taken abroad and do not return and their whereabouts are unknown. Neither do they reflect the nature of the abuse that can often be non-violent but nonetheless threatening and frightening to the point where you can’t make a single decision about your own life.

National statistics show that South Asian females under the age of 24 are 2 to 3 times more likely to commit suicide than their Caucasian counterparts.

In England there have been a number of female suicides normally by fire and also murders of South Asian women and children.




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