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Criminalisation of Forced Marriage e-learning

On 16th June 2014, the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 came into force, criminalising forced marriage.

The Halo Project Charity has developed the Criminalisation of Forced Marriage e-learning course to help you to understand what these changes mean and how you can implement the necessary changes to protect those at risk.

Aim of course

This course has been designed to help you understand the risks associated with forced marriage and how you should respond with the changes in law. It has been developed for agencies and staff so that the necessary legislation is understood and practical steps can be taken to protect those at harm.

Course Content

This course will cover the following areas:

• What is a Forced Marriage

• Honour Based Violence

• Criminalisation of forced marriage

• Associated risks and intervention

• Practical steps for implementation

Who is this course aimed at?

This e-learning course is aimed at professionals and agencies who require an understanding of the changes in law for Social Services, Health, Housing, Schools and Education, Public Authorities and any agency who works in the safeguarding and welfare sector.


 For further information please call us on 01642 683 045


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